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Lance and Best Girl Knuckles

"Put aside your day, open up Wilderness and take a dive into this fabulous work of fiction."

 —Annie Philbrook, Bank Square Books


Lance Weller is the author of the critically-acclaimed debut novel WILDERNESS which has been published in English (Bloomsbury 2012), French (Editions Gallmeister 2013) and Italian (Keller Editore 2016).  WILDERNESS was longlisted for the prestigious French literary award the Prix Médicis and was a 2014 Washington State Book Award finalist.   


Lance's second novel, AMERICAN MARCHLANDS, published by Editions Gallmeister in March 2017 has received glowing reviews.


Lance's third novel, JOB'S COFFIN, will be published by Editions Gallmeister September 02, 2021.  


Lance has published short fiction in several literary journals.  Among them “The Breathable Air” won Glimmer Train’s Short-Story Award for New Writers and “The Seven League Boots,” published in New Millennium Writings was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.  


Lance's work has also been published in The American Literary Review, the Broadkill Review and an excerpt from WILDERNESS, titled “In April,” appeared in the Fall/Winter 2008-09 issue of Quiddity in their “Better Angels” Lincoln issue.  

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